Friday, April 17, 2009

East Coast versus West Coast

North Carolina foreclosures fell almost 42 percent in the first quarter from the same period last year. For the month of march foreclosure filings fell 40 percent from the same period last year.
from the previous month February fillings were down 3 percent.
All good stuff ...but I wouldn't pop the champagne just yet, and a very stark contrast to California (birthplace of our pain) where lenders started foreclosure proceedings on a record number of homes in March.
The number of California homes subjected to notices of default -- the first step in the foreclosure process -- surged 29.3 percent from February to March, to 54,268. That's a 26.3 percent increase from a year ago, and 25.8 percent above the April 2008 peak.
Across the country foreclosure filings rose 24 percent in the first quarter.
So move to North Carolina!!