Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Clayton NC, Farm and Community Market is Open For Business.

Clayton NC, Farm and Community Market is Open For Business.

The Clayton Farmers Market is now open on Saturdays from 9am-3pm at The Clayton Town Square. You had vendors selling, strawberries, tomatoes,honey,homemade sausage, baked goods. You can purchase organic vegetables in season from a farm a few miles down the road or eggs from chickens raised in a yard ( the marketers play hard and heavy with some of the descriptions they use to con us in the supermarket).

There is nothing like locally grown produce for taste and flavor, not being in a tractor trailer for 24 hours doesn't hurt either. The season's first weeks are normally a little slow as all the crops are not in from the fields, remember it is local so you get what they can grow.

The Farm and Community Market runs through the summer and they are still taking new vendors, so if you have something you think belongs at a local market contact them at
You can purchase dried shitake mushrooms and elephant garlic and a hand chiseled flute.

The area surrounding Clayton is primarily farmland and so the potential is there to have locally grown produce and poultry,pork,beef. The big question is will people support it and are there farmers willing to invest in it for the long haul.

I hope so, because I've tried growing vegetables and we would starve if that's all we had to eat!